Dear wonderful people, we need help.
We created 3 years ago and the aim was to provide trade-free services for everyone. A social network, a video platform with unlimited uploads, a file sharing platform with 10GB of storage and 20GB on request, a chat, and more. There are between 2 and 3 thousand users across these platforms and that's fantastic!
However to keep these platforms alive and up to date, plus add more, we need some financial help. And the kind we need is quite unique.
We need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month in order to support this project forever. That's all. Here -
Distributed power via small donations to make it sustainable. There are currently 80 people who are our backers, so we are 40% funded. If a small fraction (120 people) of the ones that get this email would support us, then we could make this sustainable.
But please don't ignore this message thinking that others will donate so why should you? The bystander effect is a real issue with these "call to action" approaches. Since there are others who are receiving this email, you may think that they will do something about it and that makes you, and me, and everyone else, less likely to act. And so, many people will not act, unfortunately.
We store over 2-3 TB of data, most of which are your files. We keep a server running 24/7 and make sure everything works well and it is secure. We need to pay for the servers, backups, and some food and basic necessities for at least 1 human in order to keep all of this alive.
You won't only support but the entire TROM Project and an upcoming video series.
Yon can donate here
Card, Paypal, and more options are available.
You have received this email because you are one of the users. Hopefully this is the first and only email you will receive from us, but we desperately need some help now.