Hello dear people,

Let's keep it very brief.


Please help us pay for our yearly backups.

Every year we have to pay for a 4TB backup plan. This means, everything we have (from our documentaries and videos, to our books, or our websites) are all backed-up in a safe and encrypted place. This also includes our TROM.tf services, some 2TB of files, most of which are yours, the ones using TROM.tf. Your Nextcloud files, your Peertube videos, your encrypted Matrix conversations and so forth.

Thus, I ask you, to please consider helping us pay for this, since we are so low on money.

It only costs 300 Euros and we have to pay it in 2 weeks.

The campaign is here >>> https://www.tromsite.com/trom-backup/


This is a new newsletter system!

For the first time ever we are able to run our own newsletter system. In the beginning we've used MailChimp or other trade-based services, to then move to a Wordpress plugin solution that never worked well. This is the real deal and it makes everything so much better: from sending this newsletters to managing whatever lists we need. Therefore keep in mind that we are now sending the newsletters from https://newsletter.tromsite.com/

If you want to unsubscribe simply use the Unsubscribe button at the footer of this email.


A new video series in the making. We hope....

Starting the next month I plan to work on a new video series that should run indefinitely (I hope). It may take some time before I start to make and then post the videos, but I am convinced that I have to do this. I will give you more information once I am close to that moment.

I still feel like I have more energy in me to put up a fight, despite the fact that I do not get enough financial support to help me focus fully on TROM. I will have to spend more of my energy trying to trade and make some money in order to support myself and the project, and that kills me inside little by little. But this is a war for me, a war with this trade-based society. And I will get harmed, and I will have to give up on some projects if I cannot get enough support, but I will continue one way or another.

Much respect for those who are still interested in what we do at TROM and to those who can afford to support us.


